Model N Gold Plated and Factory Engraved - Serial
number 68443 sold and shipped to Wm. G. Rolston, May 20,
1912. Colt Special Order Ledger lists this pistol as
gold plated, factory engraved #3,
although the grade of engraving is not mentioned in the
factory letter. This pistol has mother-of-pearl Colt grips
that have been embellished with "W R" and the date 1912. In
addition, the grips have rather crude cuts along the edge of
each grip, presumably to improve the shooters grip on the
pistol. The grips are factory and while the monogram
appears to be period work, it is not confirmed in the
factory letter. Additionally, the crude cuts along the edge
of the grips are not characteristic of Colt factory work. |