Colt Pre-Woodsman and Woodsman First Series Model .22 LR - 1st Series Military U.S. Property "Bullseye" Match Target .22LR 6.5" Blue, Serial
Number MT14236 (1943)
1st Series Military U.S. Property "Bullseye" Match Target .22LR 6.5" Blue,
99.8%(IB*), SN#MT14236 (1943) with correct mint original Coltwood (plastic)
military grips, correct original mainspring housing for high speed ammo, correct
blue magazine with correct 3-line 'Match Target' imprint, mint bore, (* in
non-correct (but close) brown kraft box), no test target, Xerox copy instruction
manual . All markings correct including 'U.S. Property' and 'G.H.D.'
initials for Brig. General Guy H. Drewry, onsite military inspector at Colt's.
Gun is strikingly MINT and likely one of the top Military Bullseye's in
existence today (this observation came from 3 longtime and very knowledgeable
Woodsman collectors). |